
Ze Kiddos...

Welcome to your weekly installment of the James Anderson Family happenings! Lots to report about Dean and Riley this time. Here it goes...


This week Dean has been putting on his favorite shoes (by stepping on them until his heels fall in) and running around the house in them. It is quite funny—that is until he starts whining because he wants to go outside.  We can’t even put our own shoes, socks, or jackets on without him noticing and then continuing to say “outside” louder and louder until we 1) finally exit the house like we intended to in the first place, or 2) explain that we aren’t going outside and try to distract him with something else. His tantrums are definitely worse though, and we have to be much more patient with him and are trying to be very consistent in addressing his unnecessary behavior right away. Growing as a family is rough, but rewarding.

(notice his shoes are on the wrong feet. classic.)

Brittany and Dean have been playing a few fun things this week. Inventive game #1- a paper towel roll and a lady bug plastic egg. Place the egg on the end of the roll and then catapult it into the other room for Dean to chase. He’ll run after it (yes he is running a lot now, and it is very cute to watch) and say “Got it!” while he runs back to you with a huge smile. Inventive game #2- a blanket and a 20 month old boy. Place the 20 month old boy flat on his back on one end of the blanket and roll him up. Then quickly unroll the blanket and enjoy the squeals. James got in on this last game too, and it was pretty fun for all of us.

For the last couple of days Dean’s favorite activity has been building towers with his Legos. He will build them and then say “ta da!” and run over to us for us to count how many blocks high it is. Then he’ll run back and add some more and show it to us all over again.  If some of the blocks fall off the end while he is building it higher he will say “oops!” and then pick it up again (it’s really cute hearing him say this!). And recently James has taught him how to break the towers apart with his head while saying “hi-ya!” So, of course, he will do this over and over while giggling until he pokes himself in the eye or something and gives up for a while. Never for too long though. Pretty impressive that he is entertaining himself really well with them.

Here are a few other photos of his adventures…

(he climbs up onto the foot rest and swings his feet back and forth)

(carrying the diaper-bag backpack like a big boy)


Brittany took her into the doctor this week to be seen for cough/congestion. Riley was coughing quite a bit, especially after eating, and eating sporadically so Brittany was afraid she may have gotten the infection that the rest of us had, or allergies to something. The doctor didn’t seem to think so though, so we’re hoping it’s nothing. She still coughs after meals and has a stuffy nose, but it seems a little milder than at the beginning of the week. And she doesn’t have a fever, but neither did the rest of us…so it’s just hard to know. Anyway, while there they weighed her and she was 11 pounds already! So she’s definitely getting enough to eat. Hehehe. Look at her little chubby faces...

Riley Mae’s baby blessing is next week! Hopefully her dress will fit her well enough for the occasion. We are excited to invite a few of our friends here to be part of the circle and come over afterward for a small luncheon. We wish family would be able to come, but since we are so far away and James is in school we’ll just have to make do with what blessings we have here. Feels great and so weird at the same time to be a family of four!

 (sleeping with Daddy)

She is just a sweetheart and we love seeing her smile and hearing her coos a bit more lately. She is growing so fast that her feet have already filled the 0-3 month sleeper outfits she has! Hoping the weather warms up enough soon to see her in the other cute outfits for sunny weather.

Well, that’s it for now. See you again next week—in June!


The James Anderson Family 


Don't Blink!

Time is just zooming by at the speed of light lately with two babies to keep track of. Riley Mae turned 1 month old on Friday and Dean turned 20 months the next day! We learn so much from them and can't believe how blessed we are to be their parents. Dean is of course having to grow up a bit faster now that he's a big brother, and has his rough moments (like throwing more temper tantrums, especially when he's tired, or mommy's feeding Riley), but is such a sweet big brother with the most contagious smile. We just can't believe he will be turning two in four short months. 

(our girl is such a cutie)

 (just look at this cute face!)

(holding her head up so well)

(first walk in her stroller)

Also, we've been a house-hold of sickies. Dean had a pretty bad infection which we finally got taken care of, and then James got it and injured his back (more like re-injured it) in his racquetball class. Poor guy. He finally got a priesthood blessing from a good brother in our ward today though, so we're sure things will get better quickly. Dean is finally back on schedule eating and sleeping, and now we're just trying to keep Riley on a schedule for two days in a row!! She sure is a sweet little girl, but she is on her own schedule for sure. 
 (one month old & smiling in her sleep)

 (look at her cute little outfit!)

 (we love our Riley Mae)


(just being cute with daddy)

Two quick little stories about Dean. 1) We got Dean a bigger Magna-doodle so that he could draw without getting crayon everywhere, and thought it would be a good idea for church also. He is so funny! He'll color in the whole screen with scribbles and then clear it and do it over again. 2) Brittany woke up in the night because she heard a thump like Dean hit his head on something, and then muffled whining...when she got into his room he was making scared whines with a blanket over his head, which he couldn't get off because he was sitting on the ends of it, and was banging his head on his "fish-tank" night light soother thing. Needless to say he went right back to sleep once he was rescued and Brittany laughed herself back to sleep. 

 (exploring spring's new surprises)

 (visiting the neighbor cats)

 (picking flowers for mommy)

("look!" "what's that?")

Also, can't forget to mention that he is officially The James Anderson Family parrot. He will repeat everything he hears, and it is so cute and funny. So far at least! Nothing like having a parrot around to let you know how annoying you are though, we must say the same things all the time! For example, when we stop the cart at the store he'll say "hmmm..." and when he draws a picture he'll say "let's see" before he starts and "you see that?" after he's done. So funny. Many more examples of how much he's sponging up, but those are just a few. 

 ("Oooo, pretty!")

 (we love our sweet Dean Parker)

(couldn't shove the mac n' cheese in there fast enough!)

As a family this week, we created a fun thank you gift for our neighbor (who watched Dean for us while we went to the hospital to deliver Riley) finally! Here are some pictures of that...do you get it? 

Brittany also had fun starting the design of James' grad announcement/party invites for the end of July, and is really excited about them. Hopefully they will be ready enough to share soon. She's been feeling really inspired to do projects lately by a new social network she joined called pinterest. She got the ideas for the thank you gift and the announcement from there and then made them her own. It's been nice to see her creative side again. 

Well, hope you enjoyed the pictures and updates and that you are doing well where you are. 


The James Anderson Family


New Life

What better time of year to celebrate a new baby than at Easter? Since Riley was born on Wednesday the 20th, we were blessed to be able to have some family up for the occasion this year. It was so nice! 

Here in Southeastern Idaho all the community Easter egg hunts are on Saturday morning, which allowed us all to enjoy being outside that day and then stay in and spend quality family-time on Sunday. Saturday and Sunday were such nice, sun-shiney days too.  

After missing 3 days of school and 2 days of work, James finally went back to work on Saturday morning. Thankfully, Grandpa and Grandma Keel were here to take Dean on an Easter Egg hunt at our local grocery store and they even got to take pictures with the Easter Bunny. Later on that day Tyler surprised us! He showed up (around the same time James got off work) bearing gifts and able to spend Easter dinner with us the next day before returning to Orem. It was a lot of fun being able to spend time at our neighborhood park with everyone on Saturday to get out of the house for a bit, and then to make Easter ham and potatoes, color Easter eggs, and take family photos on Sunday. 

Please enjoy the following 'photo recap' of events after Wednesday the 20th.

Most of these were taken the day after Riley was born...

With the Keel grandparents and uncles...

An Easter egg hunt with G&G Keel and Uncle Westly...

And finally, Easter Sunday photos, of us as a new family of four... (shout out to Levi for taking such amazing photos! Thank you!)

Hope you enjoyed what we could scrounge up to share, it's been crazy around here. We sure are thankful for our sweet kids, and amazing family to make life worth living from day to day.


The James Anderson Family