For Riley's 1st Birthday, since it was in April, we decided to do a Spring theme. So we went with ladybugs and decided to do a luncheon. Christina also took some photos before the actual party, so that we could put a recent photo of Riley on the invites. They turned out so great that we used some as decoration/display at her party too. Thanks so much, Christina, we love them!
Here are some photos of the invite:
(Used foam to make ladybugs for the invite; details can be seen when wings rotate.)
Here are more of the before party photos...
Now here are photos of the actual party! We had so much fun decorating, and prepping for the luncheon. Riley was very much surprised by all the excitement and attention, but seemed to really love it.
Smash Cake:
(Red Velvet log with raspberry sherbet rolled-up in it, with green grass frosting and M&M ladybugs.)
(She needed help blowing out the candle.)
(She shared with all of us before digging in herself.)
Presents: She got so many great presents, the ones below were her favorites!
(She loves her ladybug books from Grandma Anderson!)
(She adores her baby doll from Ray and Christina and family.
She carries it around with her everywhere giving it kisses and hugs.)
(She loves her ladybug racer from Great Grandma Goulding,
and the neat box and clothes it came with.)
Other sweet moments:
(Pacifying her baby.)
(The start of her curly locks.)
(Her stinker face.)
(Her wand.)
(Walking to her Daddy.)
(She gives the best hugs.)
(Riley and Great Aunt Vicki.)
(Riley and Great Grandma Viola Goulding.)
(Riley and her Grandma Susan Keel.)
(Riley and Uncle Ray, and the baby he and his family chose for her.)
(Riley and the talented photographer, Aunt Christina.)
(Riley and her Grandpa Anderson.)
(Riley and her Grandma Anderson.)
(Four generations: Riley, her Mom: Brittany, her Grandma: Susan, and her Great Grandma: Viola.)
Thank you to everyone who came, thinks about, and gives love to our sweet Riley Mae. Making it to her one year mark is as much of an accomplishment for all of you, as it is for us as her family. We love you and appreciate you being there to celebrate and support us.
Hope you liked the pictures!
The James Anderson Family
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