Amazing that we find ourselves mid-way through the month of June already. Winter seems so long, and spring/summer just flies by. We have had a pretty exciting week since last Sunday that includes all the usual family fun: feeding, cleaning, and playing with our munchkins. James is getting closer to the end of his semester and has been using all of his energy to get good grades, get a paycheck, and get the word out that he is available to work beginning in August. We are full of mixed emotions as we ponder the wonderful opportunities ahead and contemplate the great memories we've made here. We know we have a responsibility to use what we've gained to bless others lives and raise our children; and we hope and pray continually that doors will be opened as we seek for those blessings.
One of the things we're definitely going to miss is the family community here. Being so close to a park that we can enjoy whenever we want to, especially with the water park in the warmer months, has been such a privilege. We went to the park this week and here are some of the photos we captured...
Dean has been such a cutie this week talking up a storm and reminding us that we need to pay attention to all the funny new things he does everyday. He loves his dad and wants to be just like him. He stole James' extra visor when James was getting ready for work and put it on his head like so.
He loves to draw and eat yogurt! Especially because he gets to use a spoon all by himself and wear half of it. We love to watch him with his sense of accomplishment. He drew a star all by himself this week, while entertaining himself for awhile, and came up to us and said "Star!" We were pretty impressed that he not only drew it, but knew that he did! Guess Brittany does draw all his shapes with him all the time, but still, pretty cool!
As for Riley, we've been having way too much fun playing with her hair recently.
And can't believe how cute and tubby she is getting (just like her Momma was at this age).
And Brittany has really been having fun dressing her in the many cute outfits family members sent for her first few months. She loves all the cute ruffles on the back of her leggings and rompers.
Riley has also been awake more this week, and cooing even more too. Her coos are more like little girly squeals and they are so adorable. We will try to capture better video of that this next week to share.
Brittany has been getting to work on a few Father's Day projects and looks forward to re-caping them with pictures next week. She is also feeling good enough lately to keep the house in better order and cook more often, which is helping many things run smoother. However she's been having a hard time getting enough calories some days to support all the breast-feeding she's doing and get all the things done that she wants to. So, she's still learning how to do this thing they call being a Mom of two. With such cute babies and the sun shining though, she feels so blessed to be where she is in her life.
Speaking of which, so many exciting things coming up shortly for us, as is always the case when summer hits. Our 3rd Anniversary is on June 28th and that starts off a few weeks of excitement with the 4th of July and Brittany's birthday shortly after that. Hope we are able to keep up with and enjoy it all even with all the big plans we need to be occupying our time with.
We love you, and hope this week has found you all better and happier than the last.
Wow! Riley and Dean are growing up and changing so fast! They are so cute! You guys are all amazing and make me so happy and thankful! Ü