
She's Here!

Surprise! Riley Mae Anderson arrived 6 days early.

Brittany started having contractions at 3:30 AM on Wednesday morning (the 20th). She woke up at 5 and had some breakfast, finished packing the hospital bags and a bag for Dean, and let James sleep in until 6. We called the hospital at 6:30 to let them know we'd be arriving sometime around 8, and then called our neighbor around 7 to ask if it would be okay to leave him with her for the day. James had time to eat and get ready, get Dean ready, and see him off to our neighbors just in time to get us there and checked into the exam room right around 8.

Thankfully, the doctor was there to check Brittany's progress himself, because within 20 minutes she was ready to stay for the duration! They set up Brittany on an IV for antibiotics, and told her that she couldn't have the baby until after 1:30 because it takes 4 hours to be considered "treated." We just laughed at the irony, and said our prayers that everything would go well. After the antibiotics had been administered Brittany was able to get disconnected from the IV and walk around a bit, and then rock through most of her contractions on a rocking chair while we watched disc 3 of Season 7 Glimore Girls. It was perfect because we finished a whole disc with many references to pregnancy that had us both laughing and being distracted until transition.

Brittany finally felt like she was ready for some pain medication through the IV, and had to be put back on antibiotics at around 2 PM, when they discovered the IV clotted. So, unfortunately, they had to remove the first, very painful IV, and begin a new one in her other hand. She was already in transition during all of this and had her water broken just before the antibiotics and pain meds were given to her. Needless to say, when 2:30 rolled around Riley Mae was ready to come! Brittany pushed for about 10 contractions, and there she was!

Such a different experience all-together from Dean's labor and delivery. It was quite pleasant besides the IVs. We are/were so thankful for all that happened to allow her to come so quickly. Riley was wrapped up pretty good in her cord, and had swallowed a lot of maconeum before her grand debut so she had to have a little help right in the beginning to remove most of it. But after that she nursed right away and has been nursing really well since. We are so blessed to have such a beautiful baby girl.

She was officially born at 2:46 PM and weighed 7 lbs. 6 oz. and measured 19.5 inches long. More pictures and good stuff to come...


The James Anderson Family

1 comment:

  1. Yay! We are so glad she is here! It was so great to get to see her in person and enjoy being with you and our new granddaughter! and James and Dean! We love you guys so much!!
