Hello again blog followers! We have not updated in a few weeks, and this is an attempt to remedy that fact. The internet has been particularly upset with any posted pictures, so we hope some of them work right after all.
Riley Mae is just the cutest girl ever! (In our very biased opinion.) She learns so quickly and is so patient with all our activities. She won't be ignored however, which we appreciate, and laugh at even when it's hard to figure out what she wants. Lately, she wants to be like her big brother. Whatever he's playing with she wants to be a part of. She also began eating rice cereal, and her first baby-food: green beans. As you may have guessed, she loves to eat, and these first couple tries were more than successful. Not sure how long they will keep her satisfied, because she really wants to eat what we're all having. She also has learned how to sit-up by herself, rolls around until she finally gets to whatever it is she is trying to get ahold of and can be seen playing with her feet often. We love all the new things she does and how quickly she figures out toys and activities.

Dean has really been getting to do lots of exciting things. Between parks, walks, blowing bubbles and making cookies with mommy, he has also been spoiled by aunts, uncles, cousins, and his grand-parents, and great grandma. He always finds something new to make us laugh, and is an amazing mix of bored quickly and easily amused. We sure do love him for keeping us on our toes, being patient with us, and helping us enjoy the little things. We think you'll understand what we mean when you see the pictures. One of his favorite things recently was being pushed across the tile in a laundry basket. We all were worn out and he was still saying "again! again!" He makes us laugh with the way he comes closer to the camera lately saying "CHEESE!" the whole time. And once we caught him with one of our phones saying cheese like he was trying to take a picture of himself. Our kids are so much fun.
(yes, these are mommy's shoes!)
(Notice the next few pictures...)
(Uncle Westly turned 16 this month! We love you West!)
We've all been enjoying the sunsets here and any family time we can steal now that James is fully swamped with his internship, school, French-horn, visiting his grandpa once a week, and fiddling with his HP TouchPad at home. :) The waiting is done, and the doing has ensued! We're grateful that things are picking up again so that we feel like we're moving toward our goals again. James seems to be doing well with his Accounting internship and making contacts there. And we're feeling a bit more settled here with routines and such. We're still having new and trying experiences with everything, but we're feeling all the support from family and friends and that's so nice to have. The weather has been cooling down a bit recently, and we've enjoyed walks in the evenings, and keeping the windows open for the breeze. A few weeks ago it was so hot we had to put up the kiddie pool and wade in it or sit out on the porch to keep cool! So funny how hot it seems after being in Idaho for a few years. We also bought this really fun bubble machine (on clearance) that looks like a lion cub so that we could blow bubbles for a long time without getting winded, and have really been enjoying that as a family too.
The next post will be more of an update about Dean's 2nd birthday party and what Brittany has been up to, since there haven't been any pictures of her recent projects in the past few posts. That's the plan anyway!
The James Anderson Family